Karey M. Dufour
Owner/Professional Dog Trainer
Karey has always had a love of animals and a desire to teach and care for those in need. She was the kind of kid that brought every stray or injured animal home to nurse, recover, and train. However, she took a different approach in life and joined the Air Force in 1995 as a nurse. Karey retired from the Air Force after 26 years of service in June 2021. While serving as a flight and trauma nurse, holding numerous nursing/teaching/leadership positions, living in and traveling to various parts of the world, and deploying to various locations, she continued her work with dogs in some capacity. Karey spearheaded training medical professionals to treat military working dogs (MWD) in deployed locations when veterinarians were unavailable and transported them aboard military aeromedical evacuation aircraft to get definitive care. She trained and socialized service dogs through Service Dogs Alabama for 6 months while stationed at Air University. Karey also volunteered at the Humane Society of New Mexico for 3 years fostering and walking dogs and worked in the Behavior Modification Department. During this time, she also attended Animal Behavior College in 2020 and obtained her certification as a professional dog trainer.
Karey’s unique nursing background and passion for teaching and dogs allows her to hone in on the needs of the owner and dog and integrate the right training at the right time!
As a seasoned educator, she looks forward to working with human and four-pawed clients in creating a loving bond and forever companion.
Teresa L. Millwater
Professional Dog Trainer
Teresa grew up in a military family and moved frequently. Having dogs as part of her family assisted tremendously during the transition from one place to the next. As a military nurse, Teresa spent 20 years taking care of patients in both peace time and deployed environments. Early in her career, she determined that she had a passion for teaching and continued formal and informal instruction throughout her career. She retired from the military in 2007 and has continued to support the needs of warfighters and wounded warriors as a civilian Air Force employee. Looking toward a second retirement, she discovered that she could continue her teaching passion through working with owners to train their fur-faced companions. Teresa volunteers at the Society for the Improvement of Conditions for Stray Animals (SICSA) in Centerville, Ohio and obtained her professional dog trainer certification in 2021 through the Animal Behavior College.